OPEN CALL for our 2024 Youth Awards- Submissions due by the 30th of October


A new Exhibition every month


Charlotte Hird: Landforms

March 1 to 30 | Official Opening: March 1 at 5.30pm

Landforms is an exhibition of watercolours by Charlotte Hird.

"Making art is my daily flow - to eat, breathe and paint. Watercolour is my gig and the pursuit of clear transparent even washes that glow with a crisp freshness that no other medium can achieve. My take on the world is contemporary realism with a stark graphic quality. I find inspiration from all parts of my life and in the beauty of nature. I have a body of work reflecting the shapes of nature's landforms with dark brooding valleys and clean ridges that glow in the light.

My husband builds my frames from quality materials and my exhibitions have clear presence and unity. The life of an artist takes me to many places both in my mind and on this earth. The pleasure gained from teaching and the satisfaction of completion in a work can make the journey complete. After 40 years as a graphic artist this life of making art to sustain myself is gratifying."

More information about Charlotte and her work can be found at


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