Health and Safety Policy
Policy: Introduction
The Feilding and District Art Society is a charitable organisation whose operations are undertaken primarily at Feilding Art Centre (the Art Centre) on 104 Manchester Street, Feilding. Our primary constitutional objective is to establish, govern, and manage the Art Centre. To do this, we rely on the invaluable support of staff, members, volunteers and visitors.
Health and Safety is an important factor in ensuring our Art Centre remains a thriving community hub, as well as a key part of our compliance requirements under the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015), referred to hereafter as The Act.
Everyone who visits the Art Centre has a role to play in ensuring it is a safe place to work and visit. This plan is therefore intended to serve as a guide to help identify, mitigate and monitor any hazards that may arise at the Art Centre. However, it is no substitute for a culture of care and support. We are best-placed to ensure the health and safety of all our members and visitors by looking out for each other.
Legislative Requirements
All Feilding and District Art Society committee members, employees, and volunteers (hereafter, “personnel”) have obligations under The Act. According to The Act, the Feilding and District Art Society is considered an “undertaking”, defined as a group that has elements of organisation, systems, and possible continuity, but are usually not profit-making or commercial in nature. Sections of The Act relevant to undertakings are set out below:
Under Section 36, the duties of the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), in this case, the Feilding and District Art Society, are:
ensuring the health and safety of personnel and visitors to the Art Centre
providing and maintaining an environment that is without risks to the health and safety of personnel and visitors
providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment
ensuring the safe use, handling and storage of plant and equipment
providing information, training, instruction, or supervision necessary for all personnel to conduct tasks safely
monitoring conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing injury or illness
Under Section 44, the duties of an Officer (Chairperson) are as follows:
ensuring the PCBU exercises due diligence and complies with their duties. In order to exercise due diligence, an officer must:
acquire, and keep up to date, knowledge of health and safety matters
gain an understanding of the nature of PCBU operations and associated hazards
ensure that the PCBU has:
appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise hazards
appropriate processes for receiving and considering information regarding hazards and responding in a timely manner
processes for complying with any duty or obligation of the PCBU under this Act.
Under Section 45, the duty of personnel (employees and volunteers) are as follows:
take reasonable care for their own health and safety in the workplace
take reasonable care that their action (or inaction) does not adversely affect the health and safety of other personnel
comply, as far as is practicable, with any reasonable instruction given by the PCBU in order to meet its obligations under The Act
co-operate as far as practicable with any health and safety policy and/or procedure communicated by the PCBU to its personnel.
Individual Responsibilities
The Act also sets out specific responsibilities for individuals to ensure compliance. These responsibilities apply to all groups as listed below:
All personnel must:
take reasonable care of their own health and safety
take reasonable care to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of others
use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as instructed and appropriate to tasks carried out
report all hazards, accidents, injuries, illnesses, incidents, near hits, unsafe practices
complete all training assigned in the timeframes provided
co-operate, as far as practicable, with all workplace policies and procedures
comply with any reasonable health and safety-related instructions
All committee members must:
undertake any specific training required to meet their legislative requirements
assist in the investigation of reported events as required
actively promote safe workplace practice
convene health and safety meetings if and when required, ensuring the agenda and minutes of all meetings are distributed to members
The Art Centre Manager must:
ensure all personnel, including contractors, complete a health and safety induction
ensure all personnel participate in health and safety training relevant to their role
ensure personnel comply with their health and safety responsibilities
ensure the provision of information and training relating to health and safety
ensure PPE is provided for personnel when required
ensure workplace risks are identified and monitored appropriately
ensure reported hazards are managed and investigated in a timely manner, and corrective action taken
If there are aspects of the Health and Safety Policy that are not clear, or you need assistance in meeting your responsibilities, please speak to the Art Centre Manager. If required, queries may be escalated to the Committee Chairperson.