OPEN CALL for our 2024 Youth Awards- Submissions due by the 30th of October

Membership 2025/26

The Feilding and District Art Society vision is to enrich our community through visual arts. We value working as a team, learning together, and ensuring everyone can get involved in the arts.

In addition to supporting this vision, joining our membership community entitles you to a range of benefits that support your artistic practice and enable you to keep connected with other artists.

Membership Information

Join our membership to become part of our creative community.

Annual memberships are valid until the 31st of March.

Building and maintaining a current and diverse membership is important to us, as your representation and your perspective help us to grow and sustain this hub for our future Artists.

Your membership fee shows your commitment and support and is a small contribution toward the costs we need to cover in maintaining the Feilding Art Centre.

In appreciation we do our best to make this contribution beneficial for our members in the following ways.

 Membership Benefits

  • Monthly newsletters which include updates on everything happening at the Feilding Art Centre, as well as opportunities and exhibitions available around New Zealand.

  • Invitations to members’ events and exhibition openings.  All members are encouraged to attend openings as they are opportunity to support and celebrate your fellow artists!

  • Exclusive members’ discounts on selected classes and workshops throughout the year.

  • Members’ Exhibition - participate in our annual members’ only, juried art prize and have your work exhibited to the public.

  • Arts Collective - Christmas Art Sale – as a member, you have an opportunity to submit work at no charge, to showcase in this annual cash and carry event.

  • Manawatū Art Expo – Be first in line when applications open for our annual cash and carry art show at Palmy Conference and Function Centre, which attracts more than 2500 visitors.

  • Be ‘on the map’ during Art Trail Manawatū. We host a ‘Hub’ upstairs during the art trail where we receive more than 200 visitors. Our annual Manawatu Art Awards is timed to coincide with this regionally significant event, bringing in over 1000 visitors.

  • Preference for exhibition selection. We receive exhibition proposals from artists around the North Island but seek to showcase the work of our members first and foremost.

  • Access to our Members Lounge. Upstairs at the Art Centre we have a library, reading area, piano and access to some ‘shared’ art supplies. Members are welcome to use this area when workshops and classes are not running. The workshop space can also be hired for private use at a lower cost to members.

  • Reduced commission when selling artwork through The Feilding Art Centre shop and as an exhibitor and at the Manawatu Art EXPO – 30% for members and 40% for non-members.

  • Discounted rates when you present you membership card with local retailers (please enquire to find out who these currently are.

  • 10% discount when shopping at Aotearoa Art Supplies Online – contact to get your code.

Membership Types:

Individual Member

An Individual Member shall be any person who wishes to be a member of the Society in their own right.  Individual Members have voting and associated members rights at Annual General Meetings.

Dual Membership

Two members of the same address are permitted dual membership at a levy less than two single memberships. Dual Members have voting and associated members rights at Annual General Meetings.

Youth Membership

Members under the age of 18 years are permitted membership at a levy less than Individual Membership.

Life Member

A Life Membership may be awarded by the Committee upon any person who has contributed significantly to the Society. Life Members shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the Society but shall not be liable to pay subscriptions fees or levies. Life Membership cannot be applied for.

Membership Terms and Conditions:

By signing the application form you consent to becoming a member, to having your details stored on our membership database, and agree to abide by the Feilding and District Art Society’s constitution and code of conduct.

Memberships are accepted by the FADAS committee. Upon acceptance you will receive confirmation via email and a membership card will be made available for you to collect or have posted.

Duel membership applicants must reside at the same address. Please fill in separate forms and note who the duel membership is with.

Fill out the form below and pay online or in the Feilding Art Centre to be considered for our membership.

2025 Membership Application Form

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{{errors.first('rs-ea7f-e959-8f10', 'rs-ea7f-4d3b-cc2d')}}

Are you interested in any of the following?

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How can you contribute to our Society?

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By submitting this application form you consent to becoming a member, to having your details stored on our membership database, and agree to abide by the FADAS rules.

Welcome to the Feilding and District Art Society. Please deposit your payment via bank transfer to 06-0629-0083712-00. When payment has been received your membership will be reviewed. Upon acceptance you will receive confirmation via email and a membership card will be made available for you to collect or have posted.


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